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Shop our 2023 children's vendors
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Lux Blox, LLC

High quality educational STEM toys made in Illinois. 



Mini stuffed animals that can be collected alone or buttoned into apparel and accessories.

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Handcrafted children's clothing, accessories and toys.


Martin's Kids Mart

Various toys for children

VISIT booth
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Pregnancy necklaces; lovey, mother-baby bonding box; swaddle blankets; rattles; necklaces; bracelets

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Butterscotch Sewing

A collection of self-guided sewing kits designed to make learning to sew easy.  The kits can be sewn by hand or using a sewing machine and they come with all of the supplies needed to complete the project.  Let's sew together!

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Knit Kits

Knit Kits include everything you need to learn to knit—yarn, needles, a pattern with online support, plus a sweet treat (a Kit Kat, of course).

VISIT booth
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